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Is God mad? On seeing the flaw in the mirror

Is God mad? On seeing the flaw in the mirror


The flaw in all mirrors is that everything gets reversed.
There’s only one of us here and lots of very wonky mirrors to keep things interesting.

How to see beyond the floor/flaw? Reverse engineering?
Byron Katie is the master teacher of this technique.
Great eye-opening example here:
He won’t forgive me = I won’t forgive me

Here’s an awesome short video by Thomas Huebl about seeing the mirror

and a much longer video by Gregg Braden on blowing the dust off some of
the hidden mirrors around us.

and what if we put a mirror up in the shape of a cylinder or pillar, the I of the storm?
The landscape becomes the man’s face!
best anamorphic mirror cylinder art
the whole world is a mirror? Who is projecting onto Whom? Am I the world or is the world me?

So here’s what I will aim to see each next time I look at you….
Which of the many mirrors reflects something I don’t want to see? What am I owning and what am I projecting onto you?
projecting ourselves on others
A spiral message from the mirror spider? hmmmm…
looks like us? a storm in a teacup?

more on the topic of mirrors
see think like a dentist

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