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Next Step? Wind under your wings. Q&A tomorrow

Next Step? Wind under your wings. Q&A tomorrow

Some albatrosses can fly for months, even years non stop without touching solid ground.
How do they do it? Are you a bit like this? And what can you do better?
Firstly, it takes special conditions for these big birds to get started. Their wings are so large they need a cliff to get airborne. And then comes the courage to jump off that cliff.

Is this you?

You know you are loaded with potential and now is the time to fine-tune subtle energy capacities that keep you riding the up currents on each and every wave you meet in the months and years ahead. To sense these fine winds, paradoxically first requires grounding in a safe environment. First you learn to open up and feel all the subtle currents you never knew existed.

subtle body competencies, groundingIn the coming months I have invited a master of these finer competencies, Markus Hirzig, to come and play surrogate parent to all of us wanting to learn to do this.

It is the next step, in order to survive and thrive the adventure you were born for.

This is such a crucial step that I’ve persuaded Markus to do another free Q&A with us tomorrow so that you can find out more and ask more questions. If you can’t make the live call, send me any other questions you have on this topic and I’ll ask them for you.

The live call will be tomorrow at 10.30 am CET. Here is the link to join us. And here is the exact time wherever you are. The replay will be on the same link after the call: free auditorium
There is no charge to attend this call.

Markus will be with us in person in Earthuni for the next 3 months. Take full advantage. More about this here.

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