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Poems – is god mad?

earthuni, is God mad?

Is god mad?
by Jena Griffiths

god is a noun and a verb
particle and wave
running through your veins
endlessly becoming

god is a mirror
showing god to lighten up
or get more serious
or more urgent
or more real
or more loving
or more playful
or more sensitive

or less ?
less judgmental
or less divisive
or less narcissistic
or less pushy

god is your capacity to act
or your capacity to receive
your response-ability
god is yin. god is yang
god is I. god is an eye
god is all eyes. seen and unseen.

god is in your face
god is everywhere
god is nowhere
god is within

god is trans-personal
god is trans-gender
god is trans-color or creed

god is pure joy
and joy disguised as everything else
god is depression
god is surprise
god is boring?
perhaps only when you are?

pure judgement
or pure opportunity
to feel deeply

god is a field of dreams waiting
to be played out

god is a dimmer switch
at your fingertips
in your heart

switched on, god is love
switched off, god is lack
hate is god totally, withheld

who turns the switch?
whoever is in charge
who’s in charge?
whoever’s playing

article on this topic is here