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Free calls with Markus Hirzig access in Markus Hirzig archives here  

Markus is a senior mentor in the Thomas Huebl community and has been helping people work with subtle body competence for many years.

Previous interviews with Markus

Markus Hirzig on some considerations about fear 15 January 2019 This was an important call, bringing to our attention how survival strategies from the past, such as playing small, may still impact on us now. Below you’ll find the replay of some summary thoughts from the end of the call. Other related calls with Markus September 29, 2017 Markus Hirzig on belonging and the game of curiosity and safety Markus Hirzig spoke about safety and security as the base of our development. What does belonging have to do with safety and why is this important for you to know right now. How do we dare to move on, and risk change, even if the world doesn’t agree or support us? Replay is here… December 8, 2016 See also the call with Markus on grounding: what does it mean and how to do it.


John Beaulieu on ascension vs burnout and how sound can help.

more about this topic and reference links to whatever was discussed

Markus Hirzig
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