As the world spins giddily into a whole New Year we have a chance to press reset, to recalibrate and re-dream our vision for ourselves, our precious Earth and our collective humanity. This past year I’ve spent many hours in nature, calming my nervous system which picks up all the…
How can art triumph over violence?
“Remember that your nations measure you by what you create and not by what you destroy.” What to do about the growing number of disappearing journalists, the escalating violence towards environmentalist activists, or concerned citizens who dare to speak up about pipelines going through their sacred grounds, or about their…
Global Social Witnessing instead of distancing. How you can help during lockdown wherever you are in the world.
Social distancing is important now but we can still feel deeply connected thanks to virtual technology. Have a look at this live call with Thomas Huebl and Scharmer (TheoryU) livestream at 15h00 CEST. This discussion was going to be part of a 2 day event in Germany today now they…
Why reach out? Exercise your Expelliarmus
For many years we had a very special cat in our home. He looked like an ordinary cat but actually he was more like a cross between a wizard and an angel. His real name was “Expelliarmus” but most people only knew him as “Pelly”. How did he get such…
Do you dare to risk change? Interview with Markus Hirzig
Markus Hirzig talks about how to find a healthy balance between safety and change. Click here to download… Some of the issues touched on in this call. Why is courage not enough? Are we trying to break through walls that don’t actually exist? What is safety and trust and how…
Personal security. Why is this important? What does it mean?
Our next Earthuni open interview with Markus Hirzig is this Friday, September 29, 2017 – Topic – the game of curiosity and safety In this call Markus will talk about safety and security as the base of our development. We will discuss the tension between curiosity and safety/belonging. What does…
The war is over in all the territory you own…?
We all own some territory, even if it is just the small space between our ears. Lets unite all these peaceful spaces from heart to heart, mind to mind, a healthy virus to heal us all.. “Occupy and use your country. If you don’t others will” Robert Louis Stevenson In…
A challenge to the free press
Here’s a way we can all participate in grounding the depression that’s growing within our collective Zeitgeist using the mathematics of mother nature herself. The Fibonacci sequence. Let’s attempt to stay open and creative to whatever is arising in us and then the next day we attempt to double this…